On Earth-11491,

Blade and Ghost Rider has an established friendship that goes back to their first team-up, which saw Eric Brooks and Johnny Blaze fight alongside each other against Deacon Frost’s swarm of vampires.

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On Earth-11491,

Man-Thing’s love affair with Ellen Brandt is not tragic like his 616 counterpart’s. Here, Ellen Brandt was sent by A.I.M. to seduce Ted Sallis, but grew to love him instead and defected.

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On Earth-11491,

Quake, Toro, Squirrel Girl and others who were retconned as Inhumans in the comics will be portrayed in their original genetic status, mutant, superhuman, or otherwise.

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On Earth-11491,

Captain Britain was a major influence for S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, biochemist and xenobiologist Jemma Simmons to join the peacekeeping agency after Brian Braddock saved her life when the Skrulls invaded and attacked London.

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On Earth-11491,

Marvel Future Fight heroines Captain America and Luna Snow are best friends after Sharon Rogers helped superhuman K-pop diva Ami Han take down a HYDRA cell operating in South Korea.

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On Earth-11491,

Black Panther has a better relationship with his adopted brother White Wolf, unlike the comics. T’Challa convinced Hunter to stay in Wakanda rather than flee, persuading him to reform the Hatut Zeraze as a special forces team.

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On Earth-11491,

The Punisher took on Rachel Cole-Alves, a veteran with a similar tragic backstory to Frank Castle’s, as his partner, joining his Anti-Supercrime Task Force which he heads up at S.H.I.E.L.D., having earned her own Punisher uniform.

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On Earth-11491,

Captain Marvel adopted his own pet Flarken which he named Goose (the same Goose from the Captain Marvel movie), which is later revealed to be the twin sibling of Chewie, Ms. Marvel’s own pet Flarken.

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On Earth-11491,

Star-Lord’s half-Spartoi lineage has granted Peter Quill unique skills and abilities, such as a genius-level IQ which helped him become the youngest astronaut in the history of NASA.

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On Earth-11491,

The X-Men has fought against Operation: Zero Tolerance in this reality. In a PG-rated retelling of the story, Bastion aligned with A.I.M. instead of the U.S. government, as both parties view mutants as genetic aberrations which must be destroyed.

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On Earth-11491,

Spider-Man’s alter-ego Peter Parker grew up watching classic ‘80s films, more specifically the Back to the Future films, as it amplified his interest in science. Little did Peter know that he would also end up traveling through time himself.

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On Earth-11491,

Captain Marvel’s wife Elysius has a more prominent role than she did in the comics. Aside from her role as Mar-Vell’s wife and mother to their twin children Genis-Vell and Phyla-Vell, Elysius also serves as Titan’s ambassador to the Kree Empire.

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On Earth-11491,

Big Hero 6 have acquired the abandoned Silent Sparrow Facility on Akuma Island from the United States government (via S.H.I.E.L.D.) and converted it into their HQ, with assistance from Alistair Krei, who is indebted to BH6 for saving his life.

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On Earth-11491,

The Guardians of the Galaxy have adopted a Galaxius Omnipacus llama which they named Kammy (after Drax’s friend Cammi Benally) from the Quarantine Zone, this time, during a rescue mission to save a diplomat’s son.

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On Earth-11491,

The Avengers holds a weekly movie night every Friday evening in their built-in movie theatre at Avengers Tower, with even their own concession stand.

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On Earth-11491,

X-Men members Nightcrawler and Marvel Girl are still romantically involved and Kurt Wagner intends on proposing to Rachel Summers, with the blessing of her parents Cyclops and Phoenix.

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On Earth-11491,

Thor grew up with Valkyrie since childhood, not just as best friends, but also as siblings, having been raised by their father Odin. Reply in the comments whether you think Valkyrie should be Thor’s biological sister or his adopted sister.

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On Earth-11491,

Silver Surfer has finally found true love once more after a series of failed relationships, having fallen in love with, and later married, his human companion Dawn Greenwood. They currently reside at their new home on New Xandar.

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On Earth-11491,

Captain America has revealed his secret weapon to the Avengers: his superintelligence. Steve Rogers, as it turns out, gained genius-level intellect as a result of the Super-Soldier Serum.

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On Earth-11491,

The Avengers have their own annual holiday called Avengers Day, similar to the Marvel’s Avengers video game, in celebration of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes’ public debut.

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