Happy April Fools! MaGMML3 will not be spared from the happy jokester mood - so here's a look into the offerings of the Humor Shop! It seems the enigmatic "Lord of Much Joking" has travelled to this world offering Buster modifications and a familiar "Humor Word" program... (1/2)

28 88

Nothing personnel kid, it's Geek Man from the entry level "Geek Man" by SVNrenga. Joining him are his OC's Brisk, Ventilator Man and Ikyu, as seen in VR!

31 134

The court is in session! All rise for the dishonorable Judgement Man by DarthWiader. He is guilty of having a good mega man level. Court is adjourned.

28 149

Mirror Woman from the entry level of the same name by Ethervil & Wishy Washy. Expect to encounter mind bending mirror gimmicks in this one, Can you see past her smokes and mirrors?

34 138

Lantern Man from the entry level "Pumpkin Patches" by . A spoopy guy with a cool thematic stage.

58 213

Sludge Man from the entry level "Sludge Man" by SCMidna. A level that (save for one key challenge) is equal parts creative and charming with what can be done with the level theme.

24 155

Cassette Man from the entry level "Cassette Man" by Korby and Freems. It's an understatement to say that the duo Made a Good Mega Man Level 3 times over.

145 610

Thermal Man from the entry level "Thermal Tundra" by MuF. This stage has some pretty interesting gimmicks going for it with the heat meter making for a really involved stage for better or worse.

I think it came out largely on the positive end.

24 148

Rec Man from the entry level "Rec Man" by Gannio. A pretty interesting stage that splits up depending on what you do early on. Kinda like Junk Man on steroids. Also:


21 125

If Celestial Woman's helmet and armor are yellow, is her hair blonde?

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She is Celestial Woman, the malignant double of Lunar Woman.

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She is Celestial Woman, the malignant double of Lunar Woman.

0 0

When Lunar Woman took off her helmet.
do you think her hair will look like this?

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『Make a Good Mega Man Level 3』より、ルナウーマンを描きました。
I painted Lunar Woman from "Make a Good Mega Man Level 3".

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『Make a Good Mega Man Level 3』より、ルナウーマンを描きました。
I painted Lunar Woman from "Make a Good Mega Man Level 3".

0 2

Hex Man from the entry level "Evil Energy Facility" by Soulephant. For a guy based around hexes and evil, he certainly lives up by being one of the more challenging levels.

32 157

Rook Man from the entry level "Checkmate" by @/That_Artisan. A level that does a solid job with the theme, same can be said with Rook Man himself.

76 406

Token Woman from the entry level "Hit the Jackpot!" by yours truly. Test your luck with the slot machines in the grand Top Hat Palace casino.

174 806

Metall Man from the entry level "Metall Man's Metall Factory" by BetaSword. Has the kinds of enemies you'd expect from the name.

77 349

Propeller Woman from the level, "Propeller Woman in the City of Clouds" by . A tough but charming level and boss.

59 218