Proud To Say That We Have Played Top 5 Tamil 2021 Theatrical Grosser / Blockbuster Of TN In Our Screen... And Also We Are The Highest Grosser In Our Town...
Thanks For Our Patrons And Distributor's 🙏🙏

1107 2681

What ever character he plays that will be monster level acting

70 752

Vera level acting by sir. Every role he plays
really liked it split character drawing
Best Wishes from fans you will reach more success

224 1097

Happy deepavali folks!!! From us!! team!!! From nov 25th in a theatre near you!!

1694 12948

Seven million and going strong!! how many of u watched the trailer in

654 4709

Sharks Aniyin captain Karthick 😂❤ Hope this dream team happen na 🔥

1 12

Kola Masssss😍👌

🔥 Madurai Michael 🔥

44 105