Thinking Machop. Mind over matter. June 2020

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This tweet is dedicated to Twilight Wings Machop. They are adorable.

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So Machop right. They're a fish?

I always feel like they should be like, rock type, but like, are they gills?

Size of a human child, human like egg groups (wtf?)

Is that a fin?

Or they, like, breasties...

Yes I have looked this up, I need to know Machop.

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The superpower pokemon.
It loves to build its muscles and trains in all styles of martial arts to become stronger.
It lifts Gravelers like barbells as a training method.

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Para finalizar, decidimos ir en busca de los 2 últimos Pokémon que podíamos atrapar. Al norte de ciudad Pirita, nos preparamos para forzar un Ponyta o un Machop... Y conseguimos a Worbú (Kriketot).

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Hey everyone, while I try search up some boxing pokemon, I encounter a boxing machop. And I can these artist has done a wonderful job the arts and model. Plus, I search up a machamp, too and found a Rocky crossover of it.
Links are on the comments below.

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Este es el rostro de un verdadero Machop.

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This time I have a Machop. I must say, ever since Let's Go Pikachu came out, I've definitely been thinking about the guys I catch in this way.

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Gen 1 Fighting Type: It's his first day on the job!

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So as I'm hunting for Rockruffs, this happens. I run into a SHINY FREAKING MACHOP. And yes, I caught it.

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Instead of three, HOW ABOUT FOUR LEGO POKEMON!!!
Growlithe, Poliwag, Abra, & Machop.

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