, Raccoon Meme Edition

Image: Annoyed Geoffrey of Woodthorpe's portrait over a grey cloudy sky, with a big paler copy of his head in the sky behind him.
Text: Do not put me in a situation, I'm at my limit and I'm very tired.

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, Raccoon Meme Edition

Image: Multiple Robin faces with glowing eyes in an eerie green forest, with a half hidden naked Robin behind a tree in the distance
Text: I am up to no good. I will be actively disturbing the peace.

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I'm a Canadian multi-disciplinary artist currently focusing on illustrations. I long to do pretty pictures for &
I'm presently working for on


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It's one of those rare occasions where I can share my work for ; Another peak from has been revealed, this time on the style used when stories are told within our story.

...Storyception 📜 🪶

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First drawing of the year: The Stargazer 🌌
Feat: Meissa of Nibiru
18x14cm Watercolour 🖌️🎨

You'll be able to romance Meissa in our game when it comes out later this year 💜 🥰

In the meantime, I got a lot of work awaiting me.
💪🏾 Let's DO THIS !

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I really love working on those beautiful tarot cards

"Care to have your fortune read?
Which card will you choose?
Death can signify great change or mortal danger... dare you take the risk?"

upcoming game from Velvet Cupcake Games. Demo available on itchio and Steam

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