Trump told his supporters that he expects to be indicted on Tuesday, and to come to NY to protest.

Do you think blue lives will matter to them?

I hope that NYPD is preparing to forcibly contain & shut down any violence.

363 1014

When MAGA folks spent the past 6 years wearing shirts, flying flags, and tossing comments saying, “Fuck Your Feelings,” I don’t feel too bad if their feelings are hurt.

Follow for more cartoons!

8 14

Science changes, when new evidence presents itself. The is a religion and as we know with any religion it NEVER changes. If science is too hard for you, I would recommend religion.

95 423

WILLFUL IGNORANCE: Life in the FOX hole…#January6thHearings

Cartoon by the talented !

61 120

Day 1024: It’s so cute when cults fall in love.

20 57