Le 5eme 🏴‍☠️

Kid & le fruit de Magellan

L'on dit que parmi cette génération, certains sont pires que d'autres😈

Sur les mers, cet homme répand la terreur comme du venin🐍

Laissant un sillage où poison et sang se confondent🩸

Le dessin complet en réponse ⬇️

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As many of you already know, I'd love to see this boy in fursuit form, with a puppet head like big bird/Magellan the dragon with hand controlled blinking and maybe even controlled ear waggle. https://t.co/FEYI3a5El0

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Не выспался и теперь будет бубнить на всех

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Я постоянно рисую Магеллана и мне кайф

- Извините что опоздал, я вообще не хотел приходить

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У этих двоих вайбы старшего брата и младшего

Мелкий постоянно доебывает старшего и пытается сдать мамке, а старший вкатывает люлей и строит

Но когда начнется жопа эти двое друг за друга горой

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The Seahorse of the Large Magellanic Cloud
Image Credit: NASA, ESA, and M. Livio (STScI)
It may look like a grazing seahorse, but the dark object toward the image right is actually a pillar of smoky dust about 20 light years long. The curiously-shaped dust structure

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Растекаюсь счастливой лужицей от созерцания демона в толстовке


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New pony adopt! Magellanic Clouds needs an owner & a home!

Dm me on discord or here if you're interested on her!

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Хорошик. Ток я уже поздно осознал, что надо было потолще рожки

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The Tarantula Nebula, result of a past interaction with , located in the Large Magellanic Cloud Img2 R136 a turbulent star-birth region https://t.co/ijTsZtLjl3 Img3 glowing with X-rays & infrared light by Img4 https://t.co/TXYBtuceTu https://t.co/rdsL7Z8bfz

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Ferdinand Magellan (4 Feb 1480–27 Apr 1521), Portuguese navigator, explorer.

"Sailed under flags of Portugal (1505-13) and Spain (1519-21). From Spain he sailed around South America, discovering Strait of Magellan, and across the Pacific."

🎨 Naval Museum of Madrid.

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Горячие демоны бесплатно без смс и регистрации
Фулл только для избранных

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Crown Landsの新譜ジャケにMAGELLAN味を感じる

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Majellan is named after a 16th century Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan; a man who was known for planning and leading the 1519 Spanish expedition to the East Indies across the Pacific Ocean to open a trade route, which was the first expedition to circumnavigate the world.

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Ваще мой первый скетч с Магом выглядел так

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Gladiola Cyra Magellanica: 5/10.
Bisa berteman dengan dia sih that would be SO COOL! Tapi kayaknya aku bukan tipe yang cocok temenan sama dia :')

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DnDCember day 25: Magellan the psionic astronomer

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the world finally caught up to Chillville's seasons ❄️ today is the unofficially official first day of winter ☃️ to celebrate, we share the details in some of the winter 22 artwork💙

🎨 Jeoffrey Magellan

💽 Stream now - https://t.co/doFHWdS5Vd

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Jindřich Polák's Ikarie XB-1 (1963), loosely adapted from The Magellanic Cloud (1955) by Stanisław Lem

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