Since the energy of is infinite, the beings who channel it can obtain it in an unlimited way. Even Watson could run all day without getting tired!

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The witches from "city of witches" believe that is only a magic relic and that their powers come directly from the stars and the moon, for that reason, Helena asks strength to the moon to release her magic.

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Finishing with the roster redesign, we have here the new Nadia and Dr. Farrei. Soon we will have ready a new version with tons of changes. Folllow us to stay tuned!

Download free from itch->

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Is time to share more redesigns. Now is turn to show you the new Gunpei and Barney.

Stay tune to see the complete roster rework!
Download the game free from itch ->

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More characters redesigned for now is turn for Genji and Magical Prisma!.

What do you think?... Give us some

Play free on ->

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Good news everyone! is preparing to level up: new game modes, core improving, new characters, more items available in the shop, and...A Complete redesign of all characters!

What do you think about the new style?

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We love Helena's rework, it's so expressive! Soon you can select this little witch in the roster. Free open beta on March 1 in

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Helena does not like that her rival sends her "pieces of punishment" and she screwed up her face. What a pity! . an avaiable on in March 1st.

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The "punishment poses" are the expressions that the characters of Magical Prisma adopt when they are in troubles. These are the poses of and Barney , poor them!

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The development of a newer 's version goes on. Right now we are adjusting the characters to interface's new size. Which one is your favourite character?

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You have voted and decided, this is the new aspect of the avatar for the reworked version of the game. Thank you very much to everyone who has participated in the voting both on Twitter and Instagram.

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We have been working on Barney's graphic rework, do you like it? In we are working hard to finish, as soon as possible next version so that we can start the closed beta. Stay tuned!

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¿Esto podría llegar a hacerse realidad? nos encantaría poder incluir al Dr. Ignatius, un científico loco, en nuestro vídeo juego . Si te gusta la idea háznoslo saber y lo hablamos cuando quieras.

Saludos y muchas gracias.

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This is our dog,Gunpei. This litle frenchie is one of the reasons of BULLWARESOFT 's name, the other is Watson (future character of called Gunpei in honor of "Gunpei Yokoi",an enginier of Nintendo. Creator of Game Boy, G&W, Metroid saga,and many other things.

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We remind you that if you are press, streamer, youtuber... And you want a 's demo you can request one via DM!

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We haven't shown any 's in a while soooo..
This is the form that the Magical Prisma chooses to portray itself. It has a very important role in the History Mode. Will It be a selectable character? Find out the following weeks on

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It's time to a very special announcement. is going to have a campaign! Next september we will start a new adventure. Come with us!

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What a pitty, lost the game. The competitive mode in can be hard sometimes.

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