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What? Nourkin is evolving!

Furchkin – Matriarch Pokémon
Type: Normal
Ability: Friend Guard, Cute Charm
Hidden Ability: Fur Coat

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What? Peakot♀ is evolving!

Nourkin – Berry Picker Pokémon
Type: Normal
Ability: Harvest, Pickup
Hidden Ability: Unnerve

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A marmot Pokémon has appeared!

Peakot♀ – Berry Picker Pokémon
Type: Normal
Ability: Harvest, Pickup
Hidden Ability: Unnerve

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What? Trenchot is evolving!

Umarot – Observer Pokémon
Type: Normal
Ability: Keen Eye, Gluttony
Hidden Ability: Scrappy

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It’s Swablu! Check back each and every day for more and let us know your favorites in the comments

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Here is the snorlax poster finally finished!
It took a bit to finish it but my hand is getting better and I'm glad I can work again.

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What? Peakot♂ is evolving!

Trenchot – Builder Pokémon
Type: Normal
Ability: Keen Eye, Sand Rush
Hidden Ability: Anger Point

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It’s a lil Starly! Let us know what your think and check back for more each and everyday.

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A marmot Pokémon has appeared!

Peakot♂– Builder Pokémon
Type: Normal
Ability: Keen Eye, Sand Rush
Hidden Ability: Anger Point

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Mustn' ultra feminine powers.
People must continue believing I'm a perverted old man!

And I'm not smoking; I'm drinking "Yorkshire Tea: Malty Biscuit Brew, which tastes like tea and biscuits". XDD

Teach me how to be more masculine pls!

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Shiny fluffy furret! Finally could finish the furret drawing. Btw, he can walk ;)
Which shiny pokemon should
I do next?

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Quick artwork of Baumey, Turner, Malty and Treeter relaxing on the grass because I am low on art ideas.

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Bust com for
Almost panicked looking around for MaltyMoo --then realized Pace is Malty lol

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Quick art showing Lockpick (an OC owned by Deviantart and Discord user TheShyK9) meeting his half-relative Malty.

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Desert Bloomling highres! Original design by maltymcfry and redrawn by 21kkn! Winner of the Deserts and Oasis Design-A-Goatling contest! Coming soon to the Appearance Dolls shop!

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