Been playing pizza tower recently, loving the game so far, especially the artstyle so i wanted to practice it with my sona, this has been a blast to fucking make you have no idea, anyways this has been the rare mainmanflux art post, enjoy.

9 23

I made FlutterShy as a person, I like it a lot I hope you guys like it too🌻


4 13

I don't know why but I felt like drawing a human verson of Fluttershy from MLP, so there you go.

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Shane here. i wanted to draw some nonbinary trans masc human Fluttershy cause i hc them like this i love drawing them :>

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The world is a very scary place. Does the sneezing person opposite have something serious or just Don’t worry we have you covered if you are hiding at home or stuck in quarantine. Our titles are available to download from

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: true or false? Today's NoodlePates answers the question

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Turns out is real after all... according to the news today!

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Damn manflu :/ Only so many makeshifts poncho's and tissue walruses (walrusi?) a dude can make!

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