🐟 Spotlight Corner! 🐟
Rule No. 1: The customer is always right! ...Even when they're wrong. (?)

Umiushigoto - Pretty Workers in The Sea, by Keiji Najima
Translated on MangaCat by Nanashi
Read at https://t.co/VB2ogfqSsg

3 4

It's Finally Done! The Oneshot Manga Entry that i kept quietly Updating here^^

"To Our Star"
By Hocato Limarl

Please support me by voting and retweeting this!!

You can vote for the manga here


Thanks a bunch!!

0 4

😸Smarty Cats!😸
Answer the quiz, and you might win a $25 Amazon gift card!
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Read to find out the right answer! 👇🏻

24 11

🐭 Chapter 16 Updated!🐭
The criminal was caught. But what's his motive...?

Fluidrat, by Rem Sakakibara
Translated on MangaCat by
Read at https://t.co/VsmxdVzRKX

4 6

🐭 Chapter 14 Updated! 🐭
"I wish I could turn into a rat, too."

Fluidrat, by Rem Sakakibara
Published by Qubee Manga, translated on MangaCat by
Read at https://t.co/VsmxdVzRKX

5 8

🐭 Chapter 13 Updated! 🐭
On the run, they had to change their identity. What will become of Sainen and Mizuki?

Fluidrat, by Rem Sakakibara
Translated on MangaCat by

4 7

🐭Coming Soon on MangaCat!🐭

Whenever Mizuki touches another person's bodily fluids, she transforms into...a rat!?

Fluidrat, by Rem Sakakibara
Published by , Translated by

5 4

😽Coming Soon on MangaCat!😽

Don't bother Disnyan with life goals or hard work, This cat is too busy to deal with such trivial matters! 😤

Go! Go! Disnyan! , by Uminekoya
Published by , Translated by Nanashi

2 3

🌊 ¡Novedad en Mangacat!🌊

¡Hay algo sucio en el océano!
Y ahora, ¿quién podrá defendernos? ¡Nosotras, las Limpiamares!

Umiushigoto - Lindas Trabajadoras en el Mar, por Keiji Najima
Publicado por traducido por Lycoris.
Leer https://t.co/VB2ogfqSsg

1 5

🌊Jetzt auf MangaCat🌊

Wer räumt auf und putzt alles ganz tief im Meer?
Umiushigoto - Pretty Workers in The Sea von Keiji Najima
Verlegt durch übersetzt von Dominique Bauer

Lest es auf https://t.co/VB2ogfqSsg

6 10

🌊Bald bei MangaCat🌊
Wer räumt auf und putzt alles ganz tief im Meer?
Umiushigoto - Pretty Workers in The Sea von Keiji Najima
Verlegt durch übersetzt von Dominique Bauer


7 13

🌊Novidade no MangaCat!🌊
Se há sujidade no mar,
Quem vais chamar?
As Lesmas Marítimas!
Umiushigoto - Pretty Workers in The Sea, por
Publicado por traduzido por Nanashi
Ler aqui em https://t.co/uRCuujCDQV

1 3

🌊New on MangaCat!🌊

If there's somethin' dirty in the sea,
Who ya gonna call?
Sea Sluggers!

Umiushigoto - Pretty Workers in The Sea, by Keiji Najima
Published by , Translated by Nanashi
Read at https://t.co/6zAIV7erCa

5 28

idk what this says but the yellow Kanji is from Yuzuru's name!

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also, let's talk about that flying pillow... lemme guess. Yamamoto? 🤣 

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the way kuroo always so shamelessly teases Kenhina tho... it's almost like he KNOWS smth ;)

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