Jadi Mao itu sebenarnya perwujudan Dewi musik, Musai.

Musai di mitologi Yunani disebut terbagi jadi 9, kalau Mao sendiri merangkap semua Musai tersebut.
Di kehidupan pertamanya sebagai manusia, semua ingatan tentang fakta kalau dia Dewi musik itu hilang.


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—Mao in the 18th century.

“I don't need immortality, I just want to live and die peacefully with someone I love.”

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—Mao in the 15th century.

“There's no second life for me, there's only eternal life in a different time.”

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—Mao's Story

If i'm given a second life,
I may live and breathe differently compared to now.
Among the streets, we’ll walk past each other without knowing.
I hope we remember each other, Even in our next life.

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