Washen ese collab todo perrón, My homies. El color lo hizo la genialosa <333

6 11

Day 7 “Separation” that episode where Marco sacrifice for them always makes me cry horribly and it’s not a secret that the one that suffers the most was Liserg

7 17

Marurize Week 2022 by
(Day 4: Prompt - Sleeping)

Some fluff for y'all~
(soft adult!Rize is soft)

6 14

No, he can't kill for them. But he loves them x'DDD

"Silly besides coffe and chocolate, Marco could kill for croissants...."

2 7

A gift I did to my beloved friend for White Day 💕💕

Super super late, I know

2 9

This is what my brain saw in episode 41. I don't know what you watched, guys (?)

16 50

Very HANDSOME Marco I did with all my heart and love-- obviously, for my fren 💕

4 17

Another thing I did last year when I was excited for that episode of them with casual clothes💕💕

6 12

Marco needs to calm down, so... [?]

I'm still posting old art from last year. And things I did in rp💕

5 15

I loved this scene! And I love them so much! ♥

* don't repost *


2 10

Un dibujito de marco que hice para un rol con

Ya me ando animando a subir mis dibujos chafitas, pero hechos con mucho wuuf <3 luego subo la edicion corregida (?)

5 16