Decided to give the Mario & Luigi style another try, and felt like these two were the perfect pick :)

Murphy by

41 169

Seeing those Mario and Luigi vs Sephiroth memes prompted me to draw this!!

58 283

Here's a Judi Pic for the night 🌙 🍃

I wanna give yall an update that I'll be slowing down on posting art. I'll still be posting/doing art! Just not as frequently as I used to 😅

30 130

S. Sonic in Mario & Luigi: Dream Team-Like Style

64 258

I'm so sorry I just got bored and wanted to replicate the style lmao

96 400

Day 16 🖤⭐️
I made a little drawing of Dark Fawful with the Dark Star and the Vacuum Shroom!

1 7