Died 18Oct1744 Sarah Churchill, Duchess of Marlborough. She was a close friend of Queen Anne of Great Britain. Her children who survived childhood married into the most important families in Great Britain.

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Our next is House, built in the early C.17th for the 1st Earl of During WW1 it was used as a convalescence home for wounded soldiers, one of several such homes in the county.

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➡️Duchesse de Marlborough et son fils Ivor, par G.Boldini, 1906.
Consuelo Vanderbilt (1877-1964), philanthrope américaine. Scandale lors de son divorce avec le duc de Marlborough.
➡️La duchesse et son ami Winston Churchill, cousin de son mari.
➡️Consuelo V., 1901, par P-C Helleu.

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8 mars 1702 : Anne (1665-1714), reine d'Angleterre, d'Écosse et Irlande (8 mars 1702-1 mai 1707).
Nièce du roi Charles II. Amie avec Sarah Churchill, épouse du duc de Marlborough.
➡️La reine Anne, par M.Dahl, 1705
➡️Anne, princesse de Danemark, par Wissing et van der Vaardt, 1685

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