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Challenge our kids: "what did you learn in school yesterday?" @PoojaAgarwal #MassCUE
A4: SUPER excited!! I don't feel as anxious about missing a good session because I know I can check out the On Demand!! Since I can't clone myself, and there are so many GREAT sessions, On Demand will be CLUTCH! #MassCUE
A3: We created a shared drive for all of us attending. Then we plan to share those resources out with in our district. We hope to have some PD time when we can share the great things we learned! #MassCUE
A2: DRESS for the weather. Wear good shoes for walking. Have a charger. Preview sessions before the day of the conference and really plan your day. Pick 2-3 sessions for each block, it's good to have a few in case one is full or doesn't meet your needs. Arrive early! #MassCUE
A1: OMG, SO MUCH! Seeing some amazing people I haven't seen in TOO long! Learning from amazing educators, growing as an educator myself, and just BEING at Gillette! I cannot wait! #MassCUE
Looking forward to presenting/attending/seeing everyone at the MassCUE conference! If you haven't registered yet: https://t.co/4WBRilQQEj #MassCUE #EdTech #TechCoach #SEL #WeAreSalem
Tomorrow's #MassCUE Twitter Chat is gong to be WILD! The first ever LIVE YOUTUBE version! Come ready to CHEER on your favorite #Google Tools! @MASchoolsK12
@MASCD @Mass_GEG @TeachWesternMA @MrsErinFisher @HallsHomework
@AJulieneduc @andycinek @KingJoel4 Makes me so happy that #preservice teachers like you are a part of this conference and are the future of education. Please consider me a resource/supporter if I can help you on your journey. #masscue #tlap #leadlap
A0: Hi there! Kim from MA! I’m an SLP with Norton Public Schools and MassCUE Board member! So excited for this chat! Here is my visual representation of STUCK! #dtk12chat
Just made video 1 of 3 for the #MassCUE Virtual Conference! Was not as scary as I thought it would be! I had a lot of fun sharing the work of many of my favorite authors! Thanks @nbartley6 @MsScilingoNPS for your powerful pep talks!
WOAH request for proposals for #MassCUE fall conference open TOMORROW! Get ready! Cannot wait to see what rolls in. We have so much talent across the country who support our event!
Check out all of the great #edtech PD #MassCUE has to offer! #maedu #edtechma #edchatma #teacherlife https://t.co/hIjDRz8Hp6
Who is going to #Masscue??! Can't wait to share my students' work with you all! @CoSpaces_Edu @nortonlibrary #NMSLancersLead #VRTours #CUEkids
October’s got a color thing happening with the leaves in these parts. Ohh AND that thing called #SketchnotersCafe @ #MassCue Fall Conference! That’s happening again too! Stay tuned for tweets!
#HelloFall #ChangeIsBeauty #VisualThinking #Sketchnotes #SketchSipShare ✍🏼 ☕️ 📲
Are you excited as I am about #masscue18?? Hear about some of the amazing presentations happening over the 2 days! https://t.co/E6JWPsVGCI
Very excited to present "We teach students self-reflection, why not teachers?" #masscue18 Come dive in and create a simple way to add evidence for the @MASchoolsK12 Evidence board #hornetschat #jjpride