
This me. I'm an artist (maybe underated). My arts based on exploring spontaniety and simple art. I'm inspired from Henry Matisse's cutout paper and develop with my style. In spontaniety drawing, I find spiritual depth and meaning my whole life.

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Illustrator for hire Paula Ortiz re-imagines the composition of Matisse's painting Dance to fit the theme of inclusion. See more beautiful illustrations depicting inclusion on our NYC illustration agency website: https://t.co/SJsyGF8AC7

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“No one has watched Matisse's work as closely as I did, and no one has looked at mine as he did”.
Pablo Ruiz Picasso

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Henri Matisse + = NFT-isse

NFT-isse references over 50 of our favorite collections in Henri Matisse's distinct style.

Read-up & Mint it Tomorrow @ https://t.co/QTwmEPpCsZ

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My next Asian American still life piece is titled "Still Life with Nine Koi Fish", inspired by Roy Lichtenstein's "Still Life with Goldfish", that was actually inspired by Henri Matisse's "The Goldfish". Had some cheeky fun with this pop art piece.

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The naked people at the bottom of the illustration are reminiscent of Matisse's "Dance".

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So many pieces at on April 13 in
granddaughter's exceptional collection includes paintings, drawings, sculptures by of course, but also , etc.
https://t.co/GKYKrPdVac !

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If you want to go far, go together.

CIRCLE OF FRENS (on ), created in my light-hearted Midcentury style.

I had Henri Matisse's "Dance" in mind when I worked on this piece.

Gifting 10 CoF pieces to my following Twitter friends.

Read below:

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My rendition of Matisse's La Danse featuring my colleagues and 🔥

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What a fascinatingly contradictory take on second wave feminism is Fellini's 'City of Women' (1980). And the visual connections to Matisse's 'La Danse'--which, beyond Mastroianni, so connect the film with '8 1/2.'

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Omg, Matisse's Doomer Girl.

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I wonder if Puryear was also thinking about Matisse's 1930 Le Tiaré. (The first pic is of a version , the other from a private collex.)

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Dolphins, after Matisse's La Danse.
For my love, who enjoys Matisse more than I do, and who has been chortling about this for months.

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🌸🍃🌸(...) it is part of my leisure to read everything: Consequently, read what rid me of myself, that let me walk in science and unknown souls. Reading relaxes me from my own seriousness.
- Friedrich W. Nietzsche "Ecce Homo"
- Claud Monet's & HenriMatisse's art🌸🍃🌸

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Got inspired by the challenge from --> standing in for the Madame in Henri Matisse's "Woman with a Hat"

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Matisse's "Nasturtiums" (1912) ~ in background is his earlier work “La Danse”, inspired by Wm Blake's 1786 work

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This is where I'll give up on this one. Henri Matisse's self portrait from 1906 :)

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