Pokemon Fusion! Amaura and Dedenne. I call 'em Amaurenne.

Speedpaint: https://t.co/CzWFQgVROS

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Día 11:

Mauren, segundo hijo de Siren y Kappa

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Silk Vol 3 (2021) // Marvel Comics
Silk (Cindy Moon)
Story Maurene Goo, Art Takeshi Miyazawa


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I Believe in a Thing Called Love | Maurene Goo | Rp40.000 | Pemesanan: https://t.co/IRysYOjygt

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Also out today is issue 1 of the new Silk series and this looks like an incredibly fun classic superhero story which is exactly what I want from Silk tbh; Spider-Man without the baggage. Maurene Goo is a newcomer to comics, whereas Takeshi Miyazawa's past work is a personal fave.

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Silk - (W) Maurene Goo (A) (CA) Stonehouse (VCA) (VCA) (VCA) (VCA)   - in stores this week! https://t.co/RbYw10R7Zj -

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Maurene Goo (W)
Takeshi Miyazawa (A)
Cover por Stonehouse
Variant Cover por JEEHYUNG LEE
Variant Cover por NAYOUNG WOOH
Variant Cover por SKOTTIE YOUNG

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DOPE. Always wondered what happened to this book. It was announced earlier this year. I like SIlk and think she has LOADS of potential.

Maurene Goo (W) • Takeshi Miyazawa (A) • Cover by Stonehouse

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Oh my~ All the sexy elves in here

For the tribute, I grant thee:

Anxious wreck Valyria Del'Arinn Starshade, Bard Priest who has been through a lot


Spook Maurena Kal'shalla, Nelf Zealot & MageWhoWritesSpellsWithHerQuill

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"I would have been trailing around tugging on your sleeve, trying to get a look in edgewise."

Part 3(?) featuring *that* quote. Also featuring sad smaurent.

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Has despertado y lo único que logras ver es a Mauren mirándote asustado y temblando, estás todo mojado por lo cual parece que has tenido un pequeño accidente en el lago.

¿Que harás..?

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bowl cut smaurent and auguste for 2020🔪❤️ (sketch I made for rbb2019)

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Pues vamos a probar Twitter a ver qué tal , ella es Mauren es una de mis personajes , espero que les agrade

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I cannot finish this Smaurent without a tablet 🤕

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