Any fellow fans out there❓

Just catalogued this entry into

Co-authored by the writers of the franchise, this 2013 book collects the full set of prequel comics, bridging the gaps between the games. 👇 📚

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In this year,there are several anniversaries of various franchises and games that I love

Starting with the 20th Anniversary of and the 25th Anniversary of the franchise

And in video games,the 10th Anniversary of and

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Max Payne 3! One of my favorite games. Max has always been a bad ass. This game was a roller coaster ride great story and dialogue and voice acting was great!

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is by far Rockstar's most underrated game, I'll never stop recommending this game to absolutely everyone, Possibly my favourite shooting mechanics in any TPS, A fantastic story, Rockstar levels of detail in linear form and 2012 graphics that still hold up, PLAY THIS!

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Haven’t posted art in awhile here’s max payne, finished the game yesterday on : )
Tested out my new stylus I got today, this was made on

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"Boosting them vitamins. One banana at a time!". Another great fan art piece. "Max Payne" by 1547406.

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