world: sucks
me: i will fix it by continuing to commission for maxanne art

anyway i had this idea that max and anne are getting ready for a fancy date and anne is talked into wearing a goth dress and then they do the thing from that famous lesbian photo

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i commissioned my lovely friend Sally to draw my modern au maxanne where max is a baker and anne is a biker dyke with a comic book store 😭😭😭😭 i love them SO MUCH please everyone LOOK AT THEM

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Interessante,eu tbm possuo uma OC de megaman,se chama maxanne (ou so Max).

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Check out my prints' sale!!! I'm happy to give you lovely crew a better deal 💜💜💜 Got a bunch of them that haven't sold yet - They're all available!

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idk what im doing. ive never used twitter before. whatever.

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