Yeah I know I'm late on days 29 and 30 I fell sick and had one hell of a headache so couldn't finish them in time. Anyway, The Boss from my webcomic and 19 once again to finish Next month will be me focusing on some arknight fanart.

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Quería avisarles que hoy no voy a poder subir el último dibujo del reto MaydenDressup.

Hoy me sentí mal emocionalmente y no tuve los ánimos para poder terminar el dibujo.
Quiero descansar hasta poder sentirme mejor.

Lamento mucho las molestias, everyone.

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I actually finished some drawings for And I made mermaids for which was much fun.


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Day 14 of I might be behind just a teensy tiny bit. At least my mental health is doing better! Still doing this w btw, go follow her

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Took a break for a week due to bad Might continue that break for a bit too since I'm still not doing too well. Luckily, I have to help pull me through This is my 13th day and Lizzie's ready to kick a$$ and take names!

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day 1 of u freaks would wanna see me like this huh? -w0 hey hey if we all dress the same we look like an idol group

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Another Dee, this time for Is it cheating to skip the first day? I dunno, I just thought this outfit was very cute and I'd never finish a full month anyway.
Might do some of the other outfits, depending on time and levels of brain worms.

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Just finished Ka'la in the first dress for I worked a 9 hour shift then came home and got this done in roughly 2 hours. I would love to shade it more but I need sleep Its late. Oh I streamed it to at

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