She’s been an ambassador for , a training development co-ordinator in the Maynooth Access Program, president of the mental health society, & a Co-Captain for the Movember society in 2020

Portrait by Eric Molloy

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ˎ₍•ʚ•₎ˏ !!! I’ll be taking a KpopX class at Dominicon in Maynooth which starts the 15th nov! Be fab to see you there!! ❤️❤️

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We're at GLOW in Smithfield Square today from 2-6pm with amazing all free family fun incl , Chris Judge, Maynooth Gospel Choir, Kidisco, , , & more. Hope to see you there!

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My cousin Mark, 31 years of age with Downs' and getting a degree from NUI Maynooth. Achievement or achievement?

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