Did I say fluff and shenanigans? I clearly meant angst and drama.
is now on webtoon

Stay tuned- going on brief hiatus and we'll come back with the story of how Purple, Mewtwo, and Toddward first met

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Q n A Comic
Probably the last time I address Purple's gender. It's a big part of them as a character, but it's also not what the comic is about. They're just a character like any other in a cute, fluffy, slice-of-life pokemon comic.

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Me and You Mewtwo QnA
"What sort of trainer does Purple aspire to be?"
You can now read Me and You Mewtwo up to one week early on Webtoons!

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A big from the team! The comic will return the week after next, starting with answering your questions from the Q n A. Purple, and Toddward are excited to be back!

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Purple has something to say.
This one's for all of the support and kind comments lately. Thank you so much for reading and enjoying this little fluff comic about a trainer and their Mewtwo friend. This one's for you.

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Me and You Wooper: Part 2
Me and You Mewtwo mini-special.
Baby meets baby.

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