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Due da FUTURO ALTERNATIVO🔥♻ il con cui ho vinto il concorso "Dove saremo nel 2030?" di e che trovate qui 👇


Anche voi state cercando di ridurre il consumo di Come? 🐮🌿

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A real meaty discussion has been raised recently with claims about eating and ⚠️🍖🥓🍔🌭❗️
Thankfully we had from to give us her thoughts... https://t.co/lo6GYLTKlt

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This month The Essential Vegan Toolkit got published! Available from our webshop and it comes with a free vegan nutrition poster🌿✨


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Did you know going vegetarian, vegan, reducing meat in your diet or just adopting Meat Free Monday can massively reduce your carbon footprint?
Pearl, her magnificent sign and her bee friend are finished.

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Book club bean stew recipe illustration I created a few years ago. Still on the hunt for a cook book to illustrate, get in touch if you'd like to talk 👍

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Green is good 💚 We challenge how much greenery do you have in your fridge? 🥬🥦🥑🍏🍐

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Get your minds out of the gutter.

Hat tip to Frida.

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offers passengers (in business class, not cattle class like most of us) the a veggie burger. My

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Can't imagine the games you play
when you love a but eat anyway?
Don't compartmentalise your

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late for buut here's a pretty little dairy cow.. been TRYING the thing for a while, lotsa beans🌱

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I couldn't decide between Veggie Chilli or Veggie Risotto so I made both

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Today's comes from our one and only Frida 🍆 Make of it what you will

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