Que celui qui ne s'est jamais réchauffé une boîte de raviolis me jette la première leçon de nutrition !

Dessin de Bruno Blum, extrait de "La BD végane".

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and then I picked up my 11th because Broccoli Rabe must be stopped

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This is holiday in Canada, but still Meat Less Monday!

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Already Monday again, time flies!

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What is good if we try Meat Less Monday?
It is good for our health and our planet!
Learn more https://t.co/WBueIBfGon

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Meatless packaging for

By using quirky and funny vegetable characters, wants to deliver the idea that the food can also be as flavourful of meat. Each character has attributes that correspond with the product category and taste.

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Don't miss another Subscribe to our newsletter for a weekly dose of goodness: https://t.co/4LuBzxIoAa

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