It's and Today let's honor Strider! This absolutely amazing game was an incredible arcade port when it was released and revisionist snobs are bashing it these days. Ignore the haters, it's still FANTASTIC!!!

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I have a pick for It was the second MD game I ever played and is another lovely PC to MD port from Electronics Arts (Damn, I miss this logo!): Centurion: Defender of Rome. And we'll be taking a look at it in today's


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It's Vectorman is a run and gun platformer released in 1995. This game pushed the Sega Genesis to it's limits with pre-rendered 3D models. This was Sega's answer to the Donkey Kong Country series. Who has played this one?

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Welcome to
Mutant League Football is basically old school Madden....with a twist. Take on creepy mutants and you can even kill the ref! Who has played this one? What's your personal favorite football game on the mega drive?

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