“Lights on the night” | Anohana
Colored by me

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Meiko Honma - Anohana
one of the anime that makes me cry. 😭😭

Commission Info https://t.co/EBdJkZoVsT

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Drawing for my brother because it’s his birthday!! He really liked this anime so I decided to finish this drawing for him, hope he likes it 🎈🎂

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じんたん(宿海仁太) | さんまのしおやき https://t.co/G7FmwzADr4

さよなら | 柚希きひろ https://t.co/55Cyq0Is5G

おはゆきあつ | まっつ https://t.co/7L1g8PcbWp

あなる | 百円ライター https://t.co/5o0fnW7yNY

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