# mermay

Hadn’t picked up a pencil for a real while hehe!
Decided it was time to draw the sketch on paper this time 🥰
I’m also experimenting more and more with textures but I’m not sure yet where I wanna go. Just eleven more days to go! Did you make it through every mermay-day as well?

1 9

cheeting again coz I have no time to really make a lot of those lately sadly QvQ
but hope you like this little mother with their kids anyway~

3 25

so yeah I missed a lot of days but I'm not ready to give up on mermay >:D

(call me cheap for this if you what but real life was a mess and I did try my best qvq)

anyway I hope you find this little piranha family cool/cute~❤

2 24

I try to draw something base on a cookiecutter shark~☆

5 25

8 (late)
more of a quick drawing with this one~
but I still like it and I hope you will too 🧡lol

9 42

try to do something cute this time lol

what do you all like more Tea or Coffee? ☕️

5 26

I wanted to try something new again lol (just wanted to play with light tbh)

1 16

try to challenge myself with this one a little bit and try a day shading style~I don’t think I did that well but it was fun and I still like this little fellow in the end
so have this mess~💙 lol

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