No today, I just really like Serra Arapaima.

33 182

Serra Bucca keeps her eggs safely tucked away until they're ready to transform into something new.

13 75

Serra Habere keeps her eyes open until enough nutrients stick to it.

8 87

No today, I just really like Serra Chlorophyta.

25 134

Don't be like Serra Maxilla and eat your peers.

19 98

Once Serra Repere finds the perfect place to anchor she holds on with all her might.

10 72

Serra Hortus is a home to others without losing her shape.

47 179

Serra Lubrica always has a home.

406 2460

Sirena Somniculosus doesn't want to look like a human woman. She just wants to lure in her prey.

10 91

Serra Abolla has giant, colourful wings for gliding and flapping and she'll do so all day. So should you!

5 58

Serra Communia lives in symbiosis with a fish species.

29 140

Sedna Inanis collects the bladders of humans and animals to find their souls.

16 101

Serra Papilio has six hands. You don't. Don't overwork yourself.

21 113

Serra Teuthida will dispear in a cloud of ink when she has enough of mermaid scientists prodding her.

23 118

Gorgona Eucrante finds a novel use of her hair: Her long tresses make for an excellent fishing net.

20 112

Serra Servata knows there will be meagre days ahead, so she stores away live prey to make sure her future self won't have to starve.

15 81