Los alumnos de mentor (de character) llevan los esculpidos así, está quedando todo brutal <3

El caso es que en Enero comienzan las siguientes, quedan unas 7 plazas libres y hay hasta finales de este mes para avisar, si a alguien le interesa que me escriba.

Son 3 mesacos 700€

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Our artists Tabbie and Lila have been hard at work drafting some concepts for one of the larger set pieces within our game - the V.O.I.D.

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Drew James Acaster but like a semi realistic kind of style.

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Art in respective order
Sorry, I'm a basic furry lmao

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illustration of a taskmaster scene from series 7 when james acaster opens the door super dramatically. one of my favorite things from the show is the house! it looks really iconic

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Listen to with James Acaster and if you like food and comedy! One of my favourites!

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chein de worl, dad mai fainal mesach, gutbai

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Sample images from Masaya's "MeSaCan Vol. 6" Leaflet from 1998. Full scans available on the Internet Archive here: https://t.co/l6tqGkv4OK

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Fielding & Acaster
—> i’m holing a on my insta! check it out :)

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