No joke, I screamed when Maya & Zatz became the sun & moon like the Maya Hero Twins of the Popul Vuh. It’s my favorite example of how the Mesoamericans viewed duality. Opposites that keep the world balanced. (10/11)

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The European dichotomy good/evil was a concept found hard to comprehend. To them the world at heart was good ('cualli' in Nahuatl); with no notion of '(d)evil', these could only be translated as 'amo cualli' (not good). As for 'sin' - 'what the hell is that?'!

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Tobacco - picietl ('little perfume') in - was not just smoked by it was used medicinally: ground up to treat diarrhoea, poisonous snake/spider bites, gout, headache, and as a rubdown to relieve fatigue. Image from Florentine Codex.

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