Pretty sure about him though >>

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Not sure if he's supposed to be someone special? idk, I feel like I should know, but...?

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"Huh. So idealistic..."
Ich bin immer noch nicht sicher, ob ich den neuen Daniel mag x'D er ist so... aggro? x'D

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"This simple rodent had a brain the size of a pea."
"I centupled its intelligence!!"

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That is... quite a team he's collecting here x'D Will Magica be a part of it, too??
(I loved when they all teamed up in one of the comics xD)

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He's so fucking extra and overdramatic and I can't put in words how much I love this show x'D

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Ok. Warum ist das Symbol bei Dingsbums Duck/Krachbumm-Ente in der neuen Serie gespiegelt? Oo

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