Il Vizio di Tokyo.
Prodotta da il 7 Aprile debutterà su HBOMax nuova che ci trasporterà nei meandri meno conosciuti della tentacolare città asiatica, con e

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Happy Birthday to . Director of some of my favorite movies including The Last of the Mohicans.🎂🎥

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Listening to the new and track made me want to re-share an illustration I did last year of Neil McCauley from the brilliant film ‘Heat’ by

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My Illustration of Robert Deniro as Neil McCauley from one of my favourite films, Michael Mann's 'Heat' 1995. Always loved this film and been wanting to do a piece in homage for a while.

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The Last Of The Mohicans/Universal Soldier: Day Of Reckoning

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The Keep (1983) Dir Michael Mann

Manhunter (1986) Dir Michael Mann

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"I don't underestimate audiences' intelligence. Audiences are much brighter than media gives them credit. When people went to a movie once a week in the 1930s and that was their only exposure to media, you were required to do a different grammar." -

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Peter Jacksons

My favorite 80s British Sci-Fi Horror (you have to see this one, it haunted my nightmares for decades, 12 was probably too young to have seen it back then)

And the "masterpiece"

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with my poster, part of the project about

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