Erada does not have a profile yet, so instead here are the two microstories she appeared in:
Love Notion:
AnddddsHOOT I need to post the October microstory collection on my website!! Anyway Bigger Cuddle

0 1

I'm Zopenk, been working regularly for a year or so, triying to work micro focused comics, with a spoon of terror and this kind of retro look 😋😋 thanks for this chance to share!❤️❤️ For support and microstories, follow my tw or visit ❤️

12 93

I love to take the time to relax, unwind and wonder which nose is next, while I float about this room...

4 7

21: ROOTS.
Welcome to my crib! Make yourself at home. It's a bit dark, but there's an all-you-can-eat buffet...

4 4

Oh, come now... What do we do when the going gets tough? That's right, we stick together! Now pass me some of your extracellular polymers, let's get cracking...

3 5

18: METAL.
Ugh... Ever since I got here I've just felt so tired and drained. I've tried practicing self care, upping regulons, eating differently... but I think I'm just gonna have to move on.

6 4

I see it...
I see it too!
It's true!
Well, I see it more than you.
How can you be sure?
I've got more eyes than you.
Have you?

4 2

15: SALT.
Most folks can't take it here, but I've grown to love it. Sure it's super salty, but I still think it's pretty sweet.

5 5

He was endlessly looking for the island he had once dreamed of.

14 124

Write a story in six words or less about this image.


17 45

This time he left the flowers to spring,
and the last gift of apology he gave her was his farewell.

14 23

Sitting in that cafe,
concentrated on the WiFi signal,
She could not see that the real sign she expected had just passed.
It's a pity she'll never know.

12 23