“Peace, Love, Gold.”

Yes, another prompt thing; finally.
(I lied when I said daily.💀)

5 19

Hi Guys, I'm thinking about making a fancomic of Midas and Starlie (my favorite skin and a meme here at home). Something simple and fun. But I have some doubts on what Midas theories to use! Do you guys have any favorites?

3 14


🪙Midas é a minha skin favorita do e claro que vou começar meus adesivos por ele.

Vocês jogam fortnite? Qual sua skin favorita?

1 10

"I love your kisses. They're sweet... like chocolate.." ✨️💖

9 35

"Ghost in the Shadows"

Ghost Midas drawn on MS Paint.

118 580

I got hit with an idea that I wanted to get down before I forgot, so I quickly drew it out.

18 69

V Bucks commission for who wanted Shadow Midas posing like the Batman Who Laughs. 😈

23 91

V Bucks commission for who requested Midas being suplexed by Kor. 😂😭

47 174

wheb i get home im gonna redraw this since chaos looks like doodooshits ARARARARARRA
also midas face looks so wholesoem ARARAEEGDHHEHDJS
anyways take thid old art...

6 30

«half in the shadows,
half burned in flames»

week one of 's – cursed
from @/onxsie' s render

wanted to redraw cus had better idea than previous

11 77

I drew Shadow Midas :D retweets appreciated 👉👈

(Please ignore the tattoos I could not be bothered drawing them accurately lmao)


7 11