With Miffy's birthday coming up next week, it’s time to plan her birthday party! Miffy wants to invite a bunch of friends to celebrate the special day and needs help coming up with a theme for the party! What are your theme ideas for Miffy?

19 223

Who is your letter from, Miffy? ✉️

46 410

Is the water cold, Miffy? 🌊

108 875

Is art class your favourite, Miffy?

143 962

Are you going to perform a magic trick, Miffy?

35 312

Where are you going with those flowers, Miffy?

46 356

Is it garden picnic weather yet, Miffy?

32 251

What did you get for Mother Bun, Miffy? 🎁

26 278

What are you having for dinner, Miffy?

49 388

Are you having fun, Miffy?

59 525

What is your favourite toy, Miffy?

30 274

Can you do any tricks, Miffy?

65 536

What do you think of the art, Miffy?

67 521

Remember Miffy? We take a look at the legacy of this beloved little white rabbit and its creator > https://t.co/GLQ0ghl24g

21 122

What’s the celebration, Miffy? You got ten matches on your new game, Matching Up? Hooray!

Play Miffy’s new game here and try to beat her score - https://t.co/n3sV8lfgJ9

23 155

Are you writing a story at school today, Miffy?

41 264

Who is your present for, Miffy?

26 232

Which toy shall we play with next, Miffy?

40 252