Day7 결혼식


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"Where did the grooms go?"
Congratulations on this JokerMikeWeek 2022!

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Day5 같이요리하기

둘다 무난하게 요리 잘할거같긴한데...
마이크는 카니발이후 강한불꽃에 트라우마 있을거같은...

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Here's my second one comfort situation🩹

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Day4 어린시절 서커스친구

너무 힘들어..😇
단발조커 귀여워..

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Day3: 같이목욕

으아아..또 허겁지겁 그렸다😇..
그래도 이번엔 색이있다고...ㅠ

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“I’ve known good criminals and Bad cops..”

Mike is one badass pop-pop and one of the best characters ever written and no one can play him better than Jonathan Banks! ♥️

Another illustration for at

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