画質 高画質



44 151

無双ディミレス / FE3Hopes-Dimileth

78 253

嵐の王ディミレス /Dimileth

56 201

dimileth rkgk
Day 1
My most wanted them of this year

9 27

ディミレス / F:Dimileth

60 224

No lies about loving Yorushika lmao
Also aimer, ikura, and milet too

0 20


285 1208

i mean it when i say i like you

55 212


158 585

trying to use them both as magic users for my next AM playthrough 👁✨

170 616

Was she asleep already?
The Prince softly pushed the Siren's sea-green hair from her face.
He rather enjoyed looking at her.
Heartache bubbled in his chest at the thought of inevitably taking her to rejoin the cruel sea.

88 354

The Coronation. Don’t think I can finish this piece soon, still have a few details to figure out, but I want to share the scene as it came to my mind right after the end of BL route.

516 1939