Super-excited to be starting work on book 12 - looking forward to spending the next month deep in the ocean with this lovely lot (and thanks for posting merfolk today to get me in the mood!) 🎨TaniTomo

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One of those 'realising you're in the right job' moments when I uttered the words 'today's all about rainbows but tomorrow I must get back to mermaids' (although this TamiTomo illustration from 4 manages to combine the two)

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Spending the heatwave deep under the sea with 11. Five chapters in and way over wordcount but lots will be jettisoned in the editing. Can't share anything about this one yet, so here's a stormy TaniTomo illustration from Book 9 in the meantime

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Just seen the illustrations for 8, newly published in Japan, and they’ve swept me out of Fletcher’s wood and into Millie’s seascapes. Love TaniTomo's wonderfully wintery illustration of the Ice Queen. Looking forward to writing Book 10 in the New Year.

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Always scary pressing send but 9 is on its way to . Already missing the sparkles, but good to have a confused little fox cub waiting for me. Out of the ocean, into the woods (art by TaniTomo and )

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Just surfaced from writing Book 9 to do a Q&A for . Sparkling seas and shady woods - two perfect places to spend a hot day.

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To celebrate, here's a beach cleaning spread from Book 5 of my Japanese mermaid series, which is all about clearing plastic from the ocean (illustration by TaniTomo)

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Just submitted the manuscript for Millie and the Mermaids book 8. Always scary hitting send, but let's go for a celebratory TaniTomo illustration from book 5

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First Millie and the Mermaids Book 8 draft finished - hooray! Think the first edit is my favourite bit - getting rid of the rubbish and adding fun and sparkles (art by from the Afrikaans edition)

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Anyone else love working to a storyline - snagging up against problems and teasing out ways to make them work? Currently pondering the logistics of a merfolk ball (illustration by TaniTomo from 2)

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Having fun updating my notes with details from book 7. I've never written this long a series before - love the way the characters and world build from book to book. Feel like a kid again - I used to draw endless imaginary maps

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