Apologies for the long wait- our next batch of promo cards have finally been completed! This time featuring the lovable mime, Pennee Lechap, and the Heiress' only companion, Tsoray Vodnik!

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18. Marilyn Summers/ Ms. Mime

Nadalyn's confident and big sister. Like Nadalyn with her clown persona, she has a mime persona she can transform into. By "zipping" her lips, she becomes Ms. Mime, who mime tricks are real. And can transform back to Marilyn by "unzipping" her lips.

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This is why is my least favorite Pokémon of loathe that it’s a single-stage aged white face clown man pretending to be a mime, making“walls”🤢. In-turn this gave me a lovehate relationship with .Psychic types are my favorite so this hit me hard

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Toothy x Mime, suggested by Gellygirl on DA

Don't ship them, but don't leave hateful comments, ty! ^^

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Mime, Alberich's brother forged a tarnhelm (magic helmet) and Alberich ends up being turned into a frog..

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Another for Robin Hood. At the very beginning of our production meetings, was very excited at the prospect of a tavern scene. As soon as she mentioned it I drew a concept picture which led to this cloth design.

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Aka a Clown. Aka Mr. Mime, good choice!

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Hi all!🤗
The Plushie Kickstarter continues and in addition to our adorable Mime, you can also pledge for some super cute enamel pins of the Demon Detectives, designed by the wonderful !✨

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Day 27 - Rough sketch of a character I call Serena! She's a mime, and she's got a baguette! What more could you ask for?

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[HBG] human TapL, TV-head Tekniik, TalkingMime, Zylenox

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Salvo Mime, los demás sin villanos JAJAJAJ
A los tres primeros los mandaba a callar. A Evan le tengo miedo y ya JAJAJAJA https://t.co/VY6Hd2WOWs

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More clowns because FUCK YES
Droopy next to Pantomime, PJ, Violet and Spotty Dotty

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In the (Genesis 29:21), Jacob tells Laban he wants his wife (Rachel) and go "unto her". In 29:23 it says he went in "unto her" (thinking it was Rachel). Using "Leah/Ay-Leah" is a comedic pun.

(It's pantomime, not history!)

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Freitag Abend, halb 11. Zeit für etwas Kunst und Kultur.

Sehr ausdrucksstarkes Bild. Für mich ist das ein Mr. Mime, der sein Kätzchen verloren hat. (Aber ich interpretier Bilder eh oft eigenwillig)

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OMG HI THIS IS MY CHILD PHANTOMIME, I HAVENT CHOSEN A REAL NAME FOR HER BUT THEY ARE A CHAMELEON MUTANT WHO HAS A VIGILANTE DUO WITH PIEBALD 😋 I have a ton of rise/ bad!future stuff about them that i will not hesitate to infodump about

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a slime and a mime,, a slmime,,, PFF sorry anyway hav this

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I know, I'm VERY late, but... well, better late than never, I guess.
This is ' OC, Mute the Mime, dressed up as her "husbando", Waluigi.

Happy Birthday, Mute!

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