Hello, finally revealed here's my variant cover for awesome series! with that was a thrilled to work on this one!

10 67

This week's comics saw the release of new AND new That is too many god-tier comics for a single week. All are insane on different levels and all should be devoured by your eyeballs. That's it from me. READ COMICS!

2 9

MIND MGMT - Rapport d'opérations 2/3 🔥

Découvrez la sa suite d'une série qui n'a pas fini de faire parler d'elle, entre et

1 2

. includes the from and on their list of 5 Comics Kickstarters You Should Back. Thanks Agent !

6 16

Do you love 's Then you must take a look at PastAways, March 25, art by . Craziness!

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