Here's the rest of the Exes for the new Update, Say hello to...
-and Wacky:

(in the next part, i bring you the exe-creators of this 4 girls, see you next time)

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Great Jagras from !

These giant eaters will live on forests and jungles

Original G.Jagras model made by
And icons and texture made by

24 132

Y hablando de este, he pensado en usar estos diseños para los teasers del mod y hacer diferencia con los modelos, así que... que os parece la idea? (de mientras, os dejo los diseños de la banda para futuros teasers y escala). (2/2)

4 6

Lightenna comes flying from Monster hunter: Online! with a slight redesign to fit it better into the 4 Star category
lets welcome this incredible Neopteron into Endless Frontiers!

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Espinas the thorn wyvern Arrives! coming directly from Monster hunter:Frontier, utilizing its design from !

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Velociprey and Drome! these are also known as one of the first monsters hunters will clash their weapons against

17 54

Chaognos! Chaognos are wing drakes that lives on arid enviroments! like Deserts, mesa and savannah
More info in Thread!

8 49

Ocusgaron! A fanged wyvern, related to the Odogaron and the Lunagaron! These weird long legged beasts are found in deserts!

(more in the thread below)

5 28

Anjlings are juvenile Anjanaths that have a similar niche to juvenile Tyrannosaurs! hunting on small packs instead of being lonely predators

They can spit a weak fire but combo their fire together on a big one

10 29

Check out these sweet pics I drew for the Minecraft mod Ars Nouveau! Here's a link to the mod. 10/10 cuteness designs in that mod. Don't tell the Starbuncles, but Wixie is my favorite.

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DAMAS Y CABALLEROS, Os presento a "#TheCreppyGuysRefresh", el reboot oficial de The Creppy Guys con un nuevo Estilo, viejos y nuevos amigos y mucha diversión y conoced a los personajes de la proxima demo del mod

13 53

it's belived that the Charger was an ancestor of the ravager, but the magior difference beteween the 2 is that this is less aggressive, but trust me it can beat you up

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one of the most docile beast ever existed, i present to you the ancestor of parrots, the Glider

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TNT Launcher Evolution - Map - - By MadMinecraftModer

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