“Simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance.” ― Coco Chanel

Day 6: Elegant Mira
for by 10 y/o


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“ When you can’t find the sunshine, be the sunshine ”

Mira rocks the ultimate smile inducing color combination - yellow & pink. Different shades of yellow in dress are paired with beautiful pink hair creating love & energy.
by devya


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Day 6: Super Mira

By 10 y/o


Mira, is a girl who loves everything fashion, is a character created by 10 y/o Devya.
captures various moods & looks of Mira.

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"Unfolding into yourself, what a tender, delicate thing"– Butterflies Rising

Mira loves to showcase her delicate persona with everything pastel. Yes! even hair, for it is an important accessory for a complete look
by Devya


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