Time for the update.

Starting with the finished ones
- Misty: sprite set available in Mugen Fighters Guild.
- Rouge: character will be included in Vs. Style Debuts.
- Lilymon: in coding.

Work in progress
- character basics, normals and special moves done

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Misty: And he seems to be alone! Easy grab!

Cozy Glow: *stops her* Ah-ah! Hold it.

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Cozy Glow: Anyway, since Opaline told me to accompany you today, what exactly are we doing in the bay? Concocting a plan to get those two pests?

Misty: Actually, I thought I would just go for a walk today. Helps me stay calm.

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Cozy Glow: *giggling*

Misty: It’s not funny!

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Misty: *she climbed into her bed, moaning sadly at what Cozy just said and fell asleep*

*speaking of falling asleep, Yona was trying to sleep, but the thought of Lachlan in danger kept crossing her mind*

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Misty: Bye, Lachlan. *takes off running*

Lachlan: Okay, see ya next time! *waves to her, unaware of why she had to leave*

*he returns to Sparky who was so full from eating the fish he had* Lachlan: Alrighty little guy, lets get back to the brighthouse.

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*Lachlan helps Misty to her hooves*

Misty: You… and that dragon… saved me?

Lachlan: Of course, why wouldn’t we?

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*the shark monster roared and lunged at Misty*

Misty: *screams before she was snapped up as shark food*

Lachlan: Holy smoke!

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*the shark monster pounced at Misty, knocking her onto her back and making her necklace fly off and land by the rock that the boys were hiding behind*

Misty: Ow…! *looks up at the shark, giving her a hungry look* Uhh… nice shark…? 🥺

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Lachlan: *hiding behind a rock* Everything. *giggle*

Misty: Hm… *flips a page in the book* Maybe I should try a water creature. *she says another spell, causing a magic beam to shoot from her horn into the water nearby*

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Pikachu: Ash do you want to take Misty as your wife?
Ash : Yes, I want
Pikachu: Misty do you want to take Ash as your husband?
Misty: Yes,I want

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Lachlan: *looks back* That’s what I’m gonna find out.

*he raced down the same alleyway Misty went down and rounds the corner where he corners her in a dead end, they both recognised each other*

Misty: (He found me!)

Lachlan: You again…!

Misty: (Might as well “warn” him.)

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Lachlan: Whoops! Uh, sorry Hitch! Fluffy got out of control again!

Misty: *laughs just loud enough for Sunny to hear it*

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Control-Dex 03 Misty: You can be her new favourite thing to ride

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Misty: "Harrison's one of the best trainer's I've seen!"
Also Misty: "Blaziken's more than just strong, I think it's also one of the fastest Pokemon I've ever seen!"

Harrison: "You all have a safe trip, now!"
Misty: "We will, Harrison! You, too!" (2/2)

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Gotta love how Misty lowkey idolizes and supports Harrison! 💙🧡 (1/2)

TOP 48:
Brock: "There's Harrison! He got through the screening!"
Misty: "I'm so happy for him!"

TOP 16:
Ash: "Harrison made it!"
Misty: "Well, that doesn't surprise me!"

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Misty: Well i hope this won't cause any problems in the future

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Misty: Okay, I guess it was just a bit of fun after all, Pikachu.
Serena/Candy Dancer: That's good Misty, but let's change our outfits anyway.
Matthew/Techno Lightning: Good idea, from now on, we'll be Ash, Goh and Chloe. Better?

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