Hatsune Miku
momg / もちうささ
Pixiv UID :


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MoMG 27-Omniphobia: Withering Wastrel
The Wastrel hides under a facade of an old woman. She hides among people. The more there are the easier it is to hide. The more people there are the easier it is to make sure no one notices when one goes missing.

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Beeftober isn’t the only October art prompt thingy I was participating in this year. Month of Monster Girls is something I participate in with friends on my main account, while I did Beeftober here. This was today’s drawing for MoMG, featuring the MerMay character I posted here.

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Month of Monster Girls 2021 Day 27: Omniphobia - the fear of a looming greater evil
Some returning MoMG characters are in for some trouble.

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MoMG 23-Dysmorphia: Malady
Malady says hello. You can't hear it since she doesn't have a mouth, but she is sincere.

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MoMG 22-Autophobia:?
Sometimes it's nice to be alone no matter who or what you are.

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MoMG 16-Iatrophobia: Doc Laza
Doc Laza doesn't have a medical License, but she offers all the same services as other doctors. She has pills that'll make you feel better, she'll sew limbs back on (no questions asked) and if you don't shut your mouth she'll knock your teeth out.

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MoMG 15-Masklophobia: The Flinits
The Flinits are about 20mm in length and aren't much of a problem. They tend to hang out in abandoned buildings or other places people and things don't tend to go. They can make a city out of one room in a building if left alone.

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MoMG 13-Coulrophobia: "Mouldy Buttons"
Mouldy Buttons is a Triqlophage, which means three arms, three legs and three independently rotating body sections. Triqlophage are rare, but aren't well known for their sense of humor. Which is fine, since she doesn't know that.

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MoMG 12-Automatonophobia: Jenny Jacktooth
The living puppet Jenny Jacktooth with her glass teeth haunts the abandoned cityscape of Suulgador. The criminals hiding in the region are always sure to bar the doors before sundown and any time when fog suddenly rolls in.

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MoMG 10-Pyrophobia: Conga Mog
"Don't worry, this time the fire is going INTO the fireplace."

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MoMG 8-Mechanophobia: Constructor Berutha
The Rotoret are bots constructed by scrap. Interestingly when a Rotoret is questioned about their society they always refer to their leaders, the large hulking Constructors, as Queen, Lady, Matriarch and sometimes even Mother.

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MoMG 6-Ornithophobia: Gallia Slims
The Fungal Column is an odd location at the Rose Mesa. A Cylinder of rock with a dedicated mushroom farming agriculture. The location is almost perpetually devoid of sunlight. Gallia lives there as a combination mushroom farmer/gravedigger.

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MoMG 4-Herpetophobia: Granite
The only thing harder than working in a Jantred mine is convincing the Jantred to stop mining.

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MoMG 3-Arkoudaphobia: Annabrax Brickabrack
Annabrax Brickabrack,
Sold her soul and stole it back.

Busy day today so not super good, a thousand pardons. Though the words were all I was gonna write :y

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MoMG 1-Doraphobia: Khallanokred
After the Kingdom of Vaultinex froze the wildlife fled en masse. To the North what had once been a humid jungle turned into a cold and landscape that would eventually see trees return. The Khallnokred survived the transition and thrive to this day.

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Final Week
pretty sad it's up and over with but hey I had fun
special guest Slime gal Gabby made by

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Week 6
Late once again, but hey im getting them done at least
its a shame October is almost over with already

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late once again but i'm tryna catch up

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week 5 baybee
special shoutout to my boy Kai for letting me draw his ghost gal Yana
go check 'em out https://t.co/zHWSeLGUbK

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