"웃어라 온 세상이 "울어라 너 혼자만
너와 함께 웃을 울게 될 것이다."

57 182

Après l’assassinat choquant de Mondatta, une violente révolte éclate parmi les omniaques de l’Underworld.
Plongez-vous dans TRACER – LONDON CALLING N° 4, une toute nouvelle bande dessinée .
📖 : https://t.co/cKOstRK4I7

7 129

In the aftermath of Mondatta’s shocking assassination, the Underworld omnics begin a violent revolution.
Jump into TRACER – LONDON CALLING issue 4, a brand-new comic from .
📖: https://t.co/IALbMFNF76

18 251

my view on Zen`s past and why his path diverged with Mondatta

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In the wake of Mondatta's death, London’s omnics brace themselves for battle while Tracer tries to make sense of her role in the coming conflict.

Accelerate into TRACER-LONDON CALLING issue 3, a brand-new comic from .

📖 : https://t.co/gaUsGvAplp

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London Calling spoilers-
My first thought was Storm Rising omnic asked Widow to kill Mondatta, but he is for some reason actually friend-shaped. However, his face doesn't match what we see under the hood here.

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Also eager to see how Emily reacts. But she's not the only one on Tracer's side, even in this lonely London where Tracer is constantly feels out of sorts.

Mondatta, in his Iris-given wisdom, calls a meeting with Tracer right before his death. And what he tells her is...

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Why does Mondatta suddenly talk to her after so many years? Why does he spend a couple minutes asking her to be brave? Mondatta says he can see the future (figuratively...maybe...), but it doesn't seem that he's asking her to save *him*.

Rather, he wants her to save his *idea*.

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Kace warns Iggy that humans "know nothing of honor, of the weight of words. [...] Omnics fight for the whole. Humans fight only for themselves".

Iggy finds his beliefs too conservative, but it's worth noting she doesn't strictly adhere to Mondatta's ideals either.

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In LC Tracer says "the omnics" had a spiritual awakening, some (but not all) becoming Mondatta's Shambali. It's not clear if she means omnics in London or all omnics worldwide. Anyway, in this comic we also meet a local spiritual leader named Kace.

And Kace is no Shambali.

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...and this monument to human-omnic unity sparked the Null Sector Uprising. Mondatta and his collaborators were taken hostage.

Iggy refers to Turing Green as a disaster, and proudly notes that the Underworld, for all its flaws, was built solely by omnics from scratch.

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Some soft Monzen from the Uni AU I have with (Mondatta with an undercut thooo <3 )

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Literally the only thing interesting of note of that Overwatch 2 trailer was Mondatta was speaking with Doomfist.

Interesting indeed.

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Lil filler post while I try to get some sketching done :3. Originally done for a zine that is now in limbo(?), Tekhartha Mondatta <3

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Here's a drawing of Mondatta I did a while ago for a zine!! It's always a pleasure to draw another omnic~ ☺️

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