From my one-panel comic Monday Mood, where I complain about my Mondays working from my home studio :D

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Do Not Disturb the Freelan... I mean the Vampire! I ‘m trying to have a quiet focused day 😏
Happy Monday 🦇🕸

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I'm not going to lie, it's been a hectic Monday! Didn't wake up with the alarm clock, had 20 min to prepare breakfast and lunch and I am basically made of coffee right now. But let's do this!
Happy Monday! You can do it 🙋☕

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Happy Monday! I'm finally back to the office after being sick with the flu but still feeling a tiny bit under the weather. Aren't we all?

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Happy Monday! It's been hot and humid in my home office so I've decorated accordingly.

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Monday... Showing up is the most important part right? It's what they say...

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Hello Monday. Please wait... This might take several minutes 😑

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Happy Monday! Sometimes I feel I can do it all. With the right amount of coffee of course 😏

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