# dnd

Pustule Burst: As a reaction when hit, the Hezrou can cause one of the many pustules lining its form to burst, spraying all targets in a 10ft radius with acidic pus. Targets must make a DC 14 Dexterity save taking 3d6 acid damage, or half on success.

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Temptation: Can be used in place of spell cast. Recharge 4-6. The Glabrezu tempts the target with a boon (advantage for 1 round or DM discretion). Target can accept or make DC 16 Wis save to reject. After 1 round, target gains 1 level of exhaustion.

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Fabio'd: Reaction. Recharge 4-6. The Chasme shakes its incredibly luscious locks in slow motion, causing even the most hardened of heroes to stop and give pause. Target has disadvantage on all attacks against the Chasme until the end of their turn.

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Rampage: At half hp the Barlgura can use its reaction to go into a rampage, leaping and smashing the ground. You may leap up to 3 times, landing 10-20ft from your starting point. On landing deal 2d6 dmg and prone in a 5ft radius unless DC 15 Str save.

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Mind Flames: 60ft range. Recharge 4-6. Replaces one attack. The Balor stares into the target's eyes, giving them visions of hellish flames. Target must make a DC 20 Int save or take 4d6 psychic dmg for 1 min. Save may be repeated at the end of each turn.

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Necrotic Grasp: If a target moves beyond a 30ft radius of the Demilich, it may use its reaction to force the target to make a DC 15 Strength saving throw or be pulled back to within 10ft of the Demilich.

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Claustrophobia: As a bonus action, the Darkmantle can force a target it is engulfing to make a DC 13 Wisdom save. On a fail the target must move 20ft in a random direction (DM determined or by roll). On success the target is immune for 24 hours.

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Looks Yummy: One attack. Make a Str check opposed by the targets Athletics/Acrobatics. On fail the target is eaten and will begin to be digested, taking 2d8 acid dmg each turn. If the Cyclops takes 20 internal dmg in a round they vomit up all targets.

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Sleep: The Couatl croons a haunting melody. All targets in a 60ft radius that can hear must make a DC 14 Wisdom save or drift into sleep for the next hour (immune for 24h on save). An action to shake the target, or damage will wake the target early.

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Warning Chirp: Reaction, when a target moves within 5ft of you, the Cockatrice lets forth a low, ominous chirp. All enemies within 5ft must make a DC 11 Wisdom save or roll with disadvantage on all attacks against the Cockatrice for the next turn.

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Crush: If a target is grappled, you can begin crushing them with your pincers, dealing 1d8 piercing damage. Can be used in place of Tentacles.

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Terrifying Roar: The lion head roars fiercely. All targets in a 30ft radius must make a DC 15 Wisdom save or become frightened for 1 minute. The target may repeat the saving throw at the end of each of their turns to become immune for 24 hours.

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Carrion Crawler:
Leech: As a bonus action, while the target is poisoned from Tentacle, the Carrion Crawler can begin to leech the target's life away. The target take 2d6 necrotic damage and the Carrion Crawler heals for half of the damage done.

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Sticky Tongue: 15ft range. As a bonus action the Bullywug can make a ranged attack to use it's tongue to manipulate movement. On hit you can disengage and pull yourself to the target, or pull the target to you if they are a medium or smaller creature.

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Dust Spray: As a bonus action, when emerging from a burrow, Bulettes can kick up a massive spray of dust/debris in a 20ft radius. Targets in that area must make a DC 15 Con save or be effected by the Blinded condition until the end of their next turn.

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Bone Breaker: As a bonus action, the Bugbear attempts to use its brute strength to impair the target. Make a Strength check contested by the target's Strength or Dexterity check. On a failure, the target's speed is halved until they receive healing.

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Giant Fire Beetle:
Super-heated Spray: 1 use/day, 10ft cone, spray a super-heated liquid from the glands toward the target(s). 1d6 fire damage, DC 13 Dex save for half damage.

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