# mermay

day29-Cultural Differences(Alternate)
Found and raised by Yetis, This one (called Hope by her 'friend') is now at age 22 being introduced to human society and culture...well...they're trying to, she's not really adapting that well, but she's doing her best!

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day28-The Monster Extinct
''Once abundant and flourishing at the north atlantic, now these monsters are 100% extinct, with only photos for those who wish to know abou them.''

Inspired by the Greart Auk, also extinct :/ we should care about animals more :/

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Still going! Day 9: The Undead

I have one zombie character from a shelved project and I always draw her dancing, which has absolutely nothing to do with the story she comes from, lol.

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I decided to mash those two together because i dont have a lot of time to draw these days and i want to rest. So i made little faeries that behave similar to bees! This worker is exiled because of her injuries and she lives with a human!

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Hey y'all, it's day 25 of Today's prompt is The Monster Dies. I took a more tame angle with this, since I enjoy the trope of seeing the humanity in monstrosity. This werewolf's closest loved ones came to see her on her deathbed. That's true love.
cw death

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day25-The Monster Dies
What a sad and somber tale that of medusa.
Tricked, punished, and slain with little importance to her actual fault in everything.

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day24-The Dragon
As old tales say, its born from the union of all old elemental dragons, the Parent is always the last of its kind, for only they will lay a single egg during their lifetime, the offspring will take their place in taking care of our universe

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Tw injury
prompt 20: monsters in history! In 1937 Jonah “Funny Boy” Grimaldi does NOT know how to read Latin because he didn’t pay attention to Sister Mary Francis but he DOES know a woodcut of a “cursed woman beset by tentacled demons” is pornography SO-

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day20-Monster in History
''..And as she finally fell, she told her last secret, the baby that will rule kind just like she did. He needs to be protected until then'' Coming from a line of gods, the new baby'll need help from a party to be safe. Are u ready?

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Beware the Eel yoinking Pizza by Moonlight

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''If you'd take the time to spot the difference between god's lambs and devil's goats, you would see only superficial details, for both are servants with the utmost loyalty to their masters missions.'' :) went more tarot-ish for this one

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day17-Monstrous Transformations
As a naga, Willow too has to shed skin while growing, they don't like the process but its not the end of the world for them. They deal with it and afterwards appreciates new, healthier and shinier scales! Something they love!

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Monstrous Transformations. In 1887, 'Jekyll and Hyde' was adapted for the stage, with Richard Mansfield in the main role. Mansfield's performance was so convincing, it was said some of the audience fainted, and he was later accused of being Jack the Ripper

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prompt 16: Gentle Kaiju.... POV you are Cthulhu and you have made some extremely poor life choices and are about to meet the consequences of those choices. Tbh grim is normally extremely gentle. Just don’t try to eat any of his troupe.

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the Gentle Kaiju

Tonight, I offer you teensy house vampires. Tomorrow, who knows?

The alternate prompt was tiny monsters, so I thought: what if Borrowers slept in the attic rafters and sometimes snuck a drink of blood?

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The Mermaid

Uhhh vaguely murderous trans merman? I definitely remember a knife from the Hans Christian Anderson story, idk how this lad got one


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prompt 14: Dressing your monster 🥺🥺🥺 Grim is a little uncomfortable with people seeing his face out of makeup BUT he is giving someone the chance to dress him up today and he’ll do his face up to match.... 🥺🥺🥺🥺

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day14- Clothing your Monster
Do you guys remember them? it's Celia and Ikal again! Ikal doesnt quite get the need for so many clothes, but she finds the colours cute and wanted to try some, well... the shirt doesnt quite fit her! better expand the wardrobe!

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