Congratulations , you minted a legendary You have won Hungreez by !

Win by minting , Beanz on Acid, and a Minds by still yet to be claimed!

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2 5

We're giving away a your ticket into earning $BEAN token on

Enter the PFP contest and you could take it home in your wallet. 🐮🫘👇👇👇

2 3

💥 MOOBEANZ#130 sold for 0.42 $avax

Meet Ferdinand, the loyal Moobeanz with a fangs mouth. He's always been an outcast, never quite fitting in with the other Moobeanz.

0 0

💥 MOOBEANZ#129 sold for 0.42 $avax

Meet Moobeanz, an intelligent kid who has a passion for learning and a unique style. He's got a classic horns hat, and people are starting to take notice.

0 0

🍻 MOOBEANZ#11 sold for 0.42 $avax

Meet the lovable Moobeanz, the loyal and dependable friend! He's always there when you need him!

0 0

If you have one of these in your wallet, you just received 1000 $BEAN. 🫘

+ =

Spent $BEAN at the

Earn $BEAN by steaking 🐮🫘 at

0 0

This has vibes.

Be careful leaving your unattended, they may mate with other in your wallet.

Best to steak them and earn $BEAN.

Deets 👉

2 10

🚀 MOOBEANZ#86 sold for 0.50 $avax

In the depths of a hospital, something stirs.

0 0

🥵 MOOBEANZ#168 sold for 0.49 $avax

Here's the story 👇

0 1

🚀 MOOBEANZ#104 sold for 0.50 $avax

Meet Moobeanz, the financially responsible cow! She values saving more than spending and makes sure her udder stays average so she can keep more money in her account.

0 0

💥 MOOBEANZ#26 sold for 0.75 $avax

Meet Moobeanz, the friendly and financially responsible bear! He always keeps his spots squeaky clean and takes good care of his money!

0 0